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G² – Elixis


In 2011, the Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles (former faculty of applied science of the ULB) and A.Ir.Br., the Brussels Association of Engineers, which brings together its alumni, decided to combine forces to launch a series of joint projects. In this context, the two partners decided to call upon Elixis to develop a magazine, which was to be the first tangible achievement of this strengthened collaboration between school and alumni, and which was to replace the magazine published for several decades by the A.Ir.Br.


The main objective of the new magazine is to provide readers with content that reflects all the ambition, diversity and modernity of the EPB and its alumni, while maintaining a link with the long tradition of engineering teaching at the ULB.

This is borne out by the name of the magazine, G2, for “G Square”, the famous Square G around which the buildings devoted to ‘engineering’ courses are arranged … but also the unit of measure of acceleration, symbolising the dynamism of engineers.


4 issues per year

20 pages

Published in French

Publisher: Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles, Université Libre de Bruxelles with the support of the Alumni de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Philippe De Doncker

Advertising: internal gsquare@polytechniquebruxelles.be

Category: Education, Technology