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Polytech Louvain – Elixis

Polytech Louvain


In 2014, Vincent Blondel, Dean of the Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain, who has since become Rector of the UCL, and Pascal Laffineur, then President of AILouvain, the association of alumni of the EPL, decided to replace the newsletter published by AILouvain with a joint magazine of professional quality, entrusted to Elixis.


The magazine Polytech Louvain, created by Elixis, was to aim from the outset to ensure a balance between EPB news and events and the paths followed by alumni, through their success stories (“Engineer’s View”) or the more quirky routes they may have taken (“Ingenious Paths”), while building more bridges between the two partners (joint events and initiatives, “Face to Face” between an academic and an engineer in the field etc.).


2 issues per year

20 pages

Published in French

Publisher: Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain and AILouvain

Editor-in-Chief: Sophie Préaux

Advertising: ADeMAR

Category: Education, Technology