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Edebex – Elixis



The start-up Edebex was launched in 2013 and in four year’s time, it has become one of the gems of the Belgian “fintechs”, technology companies that challenge the world of finance. Edebex is a marketplace intended mainly for SMEs, enabling them to optimise the management of their cash flow by “selling” their invoices to investors. From 2015, Edebex started a blog to make itself more widely known and win over new customers by “educating” the SME target group in good financial management practices.

logo edebex


Edebex calls on Elixis to produce educational content for its blog, edebex.com/blog, on all subjects of interest to SMEs relating to finance and management: cash flow optimisation, creation and follow-up of cash flow plans, good practices in the event of financial difficulties, commercial policy, debtor management, advice on relations with banks and creditors etc. A very varied subject area that the Elixis teams master to perfection!


Creation of several items per month

Published in French and Dutch

Publisher: Edebex S.A.

Editor-in-Chief: Xavier Corman, CEO

Category: Finance